What is your yachting background, where and when did it all begin and what’s your position now?

I have been fortunate to work on a variety of different yachts/different programs over the years ranging from your traditional style cruising the normal med Caribbean areas to explorer style exploring the remote areas of the South Pacific and everything in between.

Currently I am a 2nd officer looking for my next role, working temp until the right role comes up.


How did you find your first job, and how long did it take?

My first job came about in a bit of an unconventional way. I was working at a marina in my home town and one of the larger Sydney based yachts was visiting for some trips. Got chatting to the captain and things went from there. Starting with day work and ultimately lead to a full time job. Ended up being onboard for 2.5 years before making the jump to a yacht overseas.


Did you have any relevant experience before joining the yachting industry? What did you do previously?

I grew up on the northern beaches of Sydney Australia so have been in boats and spent a lot of time as a kid in the ocean doing an all manner of water sports which helped when I was starting out. I also worked as a marina hand at marinas in my local area during my teenage years. Once I finished high school I was an apprentice carpenter for 1 year and then studied graphic design before a trip on young endeavour (Australian tall ship) made me realise I want a life at sea and from there it was a matter of putting the wheels in motion to get my first job on a yacht. All of the above have me some great transferable skills to use in yachting.


What is the best and worst part of being a deckhand and working as an officer?


Best: camaraderie on deck working with your fellow deckhands the banter and shared experiences you have outside of working hours.

Worst: yachting can be monotonous as times and being away from friends and family can be challenging at times.


Best: being able to train and see people in your team grow and progress in the same way others have done for me previously to enable me to be in the position I am currently in.

Worst: maintaining the line between being someone in a position of leadership onboard and also being friends with people outside of work hours.

flying a helicopter

Keeping a positive work / life balance, have you got any tips for crew?

For me making time for myself each day is really important, be it by going to the gym or doing some form of exercise, journaling and meditation. I have found these have help me to keep a healthy perspective in yachting and life in general.


What is a stand out story you tell people while working on yachts?

There are so many stories that I don’t know where to start… This is one of the things that keeps me in yachting. The ability to travel and have shared experiences with a group of likeminded people. You develop close friendships very quickly and never know what tomorrow brings !!

Exploring deckhand

What advice, tips, dos and don’ts would you give a person wanting to become an officer on a yacht?

As cliché as it sounds, it’s to be yourself and remember why you are in yachting. I’m a firm believer that any job can be a dream job for anybody. For some it’s working at McDonald’s or a corporate life. For me it’s yachting. Everyday is a learning day.

Keeping an open mind and remembering what your goals are in yachting are important this obviously varies for each person and it’s also key to keep this in mind with the people in your team onboard to enable them to achieve their goals. This can be an easier said than done balance to achieve at times.


What advice would you give new yachties starting out in the industry?

Make sure you do your research using platforms life “Yachtie’s of Australia” etc it will ensure you have all the information at hand about the industry before you get started.

Have clear goals and objectives about why you want to do it and what you want to get out of it.

Yachting is not for the faint of heart, it’s a lot of grafting, long hours and living in relatively confined space onboard. With that said, it is a lot of fun, you get to see, do and experience all manner of places and have truly awesome experiences with a group of likeminded people.

Additional skills are key and will help separate you from the pack when it comes to landing your first job. This can range from trade skills to experience as a water sports instructor or dive master/instructor etc.


If you are looking to step into your first role or progress through the ranks, check out Yachties of Australia for any advice, tips and discounts to help you achieve your goals.

Tender driver
